Although he was already an artist making sophisticated little films in an economical and next-to-no-waste manner, and had read Ian McHarg's Design With Nature two years earlier, David Eggleton initiated his turn to sustainability in 1973, when he participated as an instructor in a pioneering environmental education program in New England. With that behind him, he put finishing touches on his undergraduate, self-designed interdisciplinary major, which amounted to a double major. His exceptionally varied career enabled him to see our society (USA) and its systems from many angles and, coupled with his continuing studies spanning nearly four decades, to develop a singular vision of the opportunities all have to live more harmoniously and less destructively.
With his wife of 30 years, he raised two sons. They also participated in the design, specification and construction of an Energy Crafted home (completed 1995) and the ENERGY STAR home (completed 2003) in which they reside. She is founder and Executive Director of an internationally-respected regional nonprofit advancing energy efficiency. In 2009, they added solar thermal and PV systems to their home.
In 2004 Mr. Eggleton founded Pixecol, emphasizing recent digital art work and associated services. In 2007 he embedded Pixecol in the new, more comprehensive Applied Ecologics, immediately after learning about edible forest gardens and earning accreditation in organic land care. Initially a celebration of permaculture, the name Applied Ecologics also proclaims the necessity and urgency of bringing knowledge of working relationships to front and center of all that we make and do.
Mr. Eggleton attained permaculture design certification in 2010. He envisions more than a few associates and allies adding to the capabilities and contributing to the success of the company.